Richard Pepper's
Goofy Dorion Bible Camp
in MP3 Format

Happy Memories of Dorion Bible Camp
(including pictures)


Band website hosting

Bold font indicates a song added on June 5/05.

Songs from 1983
"Black Gold"
(A drug song compiled from other famous drug songs,
teasing Andy James ["my green jacket"] about his coffee drinking habit --
long since abandoned, I hear!)
"Country Gospel Song"
(I had quite a death theme going on back then!)
"Bob Dorion" Parodies
"Your Clothes Need A-Changing"
"Rainy Day Kitchen Girls #12 & 35"
"The Mayflies Are Blowin' in the Wind"
"Just Like a Gourmet"
"Song For a Fictional Kitchen Girl"
"All Along the Dining Hall"
"Ballad of a Thin Counsellor"
"(I Ain't Gonna Work at) Andy's Camp (No More)"
I'm a bit uncomfortable with these next two because of their violence. I hope they can be understood as referring to playful pillow-fighting.
"Force Minus Zero/No Limit"
"Positively P0T1K0"

An easier way to stream most of the songs which follow:

"The Christian Beaver"
"Mayfly Mush"
"The Day in the Life of a Mayfly"
"The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp"
"The True and Terrible Tale of Evil Ed Gooch"
"The True But Tasteful Ballad of the Headless Kitchen Girl"
"Zargons Invade Dorion Bible Camp"
"What Happens If?""
(A series of inside jokes attempting to answer campers' questions re. team games)
"As I Was Walking Along"
(I actually used to lead this as a campfire song!)
"The Vilest Offender"
(The "vilest offender" was the scruffy looking fellow in the illustrated version of
"To God Be the Glory" who meets Christ and gets a haircut. Dave Marshall
tended to be given the roughest boy campers.)
"Drugs For Bugs (It Must Be Pic)"
(I really like this song, despite its rather simplistic, uncompassionate approach to drug abuse.)
"I Will Put My Faith In You (I'm Happy Here Today With All My Friends)"
(I wrote this song specifically for Dorion Bible Camp, to include all the standard
approaches to followup in a catchy song, using musical ideas that were popular at the
time [such as echo parts]. More recently I've told that the Summer Programme Director found it that
summer where it had been tucked away and they sang it at least that one time. If in
fact it is still sung, I, as its creator, would prefer that the proper chords be used.
Transposing to another key would be fine, of course.

Choose "Save Target (or Link) As" from the "Right Click" menu on any of the links above.

May 23: Volume boosted on all except Beaver.

To List of Skits and Songs, including Ed Gooch, The Headless Kitchen Girl, Zargons, Dorion Bible Camp in the First Century and Phantom of the Dining Hall.

I still love Dorion Bible Camp and still consider it "my camp" (their new slogan) but other options to consider are Camp Gitchigomee and Manitoba Pioneer Camp (my other camps).

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Last Update: Jan. 27, 2015 XP

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